Iran's dress code

In Nazi Germany, it became useful for Hitler to identify Jews with the yellow star of David insignia on their clothing. It perpetrated a feeling of societal division (us and them) and enabled der Führer to persuade others to accept his solution to the “Jewish problem.”
The current regime in Iran has drawn many parallels to the anti-Semitism of Nazi Germany, not the least of which is the outright denial by its president that the Holocaust ever really happened. Iran demonstrated this past Monday, however, that their intolerance extends far beyond adherents of Judaism. The governing body passed a dress code which, among other things, declared that Muslims in Iran should wear only black, brown, dark grey or dark blue; “gay” colors like red, yellow, and light blue were of Satan. Hereafter would Christians be required to wear red arm bands in public, Jews yellow ones, and Zoroastrians those of Persian blue. Iranian men will not be required to wear turbans or flowing robes; they will be allowed to wear trousers. After all, the Persians were wearing pants (unlike the girlie-dresses the Greeks were wearing) long before Muhammad and Gabriel had their encounter near Mecca. However, don’t expect to wear jeans or anything with a designer label. You will not be allowed to advertise for the infidels. And forget neckties. They are symbols of the cross of Christ.
Not only does Iran wish to impose this dress code on those living within its own borders, it has already sent word to Hezbollah in Lebanon that they are also to be good representatives of Shiite Islam and follow the new “guidelines.”
Let’s see…a nation with nuclear ambitions which defies any nation or nations to stop it from developing nuclear weapons, which wants Israel obliterated, which is an avowed enemy of the United States and of “infidels” everywhere. That’s Iran. The same guys who recently wrote a letter to President Bush and Secretary of State Rice declaring that democracy was a failed form of government and that submission to Allah’s theocratic rule was the only successful one. And every time a new foolish declaration emits from ancient Persia, the world’s oil markets tremble and gas prices go straight up.
I wonder who the free world will expect to defend it from Iran.
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