Election day 2006--The Republican massacre

Tomorrow is election day. Most political pundits and bloggers have written their predictions for the event, and, according to the polls, Americans are so fed up with the war in Iraq that they want to send a message to President Bush that his days are numbered. If he wants to get anything done, he’ll have to work with a Democratic Congress. Historically, the party in power during the sixth year of a two-term president loses seats in Congress—sometimes as many as 60-70. Because the Senate staggers its terms, only one-third of the upper chamber stands for election each cycle. So it will be more difficult for Democrats to ride the alleged tidal wave of anti-Bush feeling and storm into power in the Senate.
I will not make any predictions. Turnout is expected to be low, especially among voters aged 18-24. Americans are a typically selfish lot, valuing mainly personal peace (the right not to be bothered) and prosperity. If voters don’t seize the opportunity to cast their ballots, how can we complain about the government we get?
I'm going to keep this thread open and update this posting once the results are in. If you're 18, go vote!
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