Expecto Petraeus!

J.K. Rowling was fond of using Latin in the Harry Potter series, and no spell was more powerful than the Patronus. “Expecto Patronum” is Latin for “I await the father (or fatherly benefactor).” Harry used it to ward off the dementors by calling to mind the powerful memory of his father’s love. (As an interesting digression, I believe that this is one example of how the Harry Potter series is not meant to be a way of indoctrinating impressionable young children into the occult, but a Christian metaphor)
UPDATE: For those interested or who have been taught that there is nothing in Harry Potter but evil, read this article.
On September 10, General David Petraeus, the US supreme commander in Iraq, will be giving his long-awaited report to Congress. 30,000 additional troops were sent to Iraq in an intensification known as “the surge,” and those troops were fully deployed first in June of this year. The Petraeus report is presumed to demonstrate that the surge is working, and that previously dangerous areas of Iraq that were Al Qaeda strongholds are now safe in American and Iraqi hands. Contrary to those who have wanted to surrender and withdraw American troops from Iraq for years, Petraeus will implore Congress to stay and fight for victory, not surrender as losers just so we can have “peace.” Predictably, those of the "peace" crowd (as opposed to those who prefer victory) have already made their decision about General Petraeus' report. They seem to be like fans who would want to quit playing a football game in the 4th quarter with a 35-0 lead just because the other team still wanted to block and tackle.
Of course, Tuesday is the anniversary of the destruction of the World Trade Center and the attack on the Pentagon. In 2001, 9-11 was on a Tuesday morning, too. I find it interesting that on Wednesday, September 12, the sacred Muslim month of Ramadan begins, during which followers of Allah must fast during daylight hours. The architect of the 9-11 attacks, Usama bin Laden, issued his first propaganda video in almost three years this weekend. In it, he clearly offered his terms for peace. The war in Iraq could end tomorrow, bin Laden said, if only all of us would convert to Islam. If we are not willing, then they will continue to brutally murder and terrorize anyone they consider an infidel.
This posting will appear early Monday morning. During the week, I will post links to any updates regarding General Petraeus’s report, as well as anything newsworthy that happens in connection with the 9-11 observance. It should prove to be an eventful week!
UPDATE: Moveon.org takes out an ad in the NY Times calling Petraeus "General Betray-us." Hillary Clinton calls his report unbelievable.
UPDATE: President Bush and Secretary of Defense predict bringing home many troops by the end of 2008.
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