Time for an update

In news from Venezuela, voters there have rejected Hugo Chavez' plans to change the constitution to enable him to be president for life. Initial reports seem to indicate that el presidente has not decided to claim that the imperialistic Americans were responsible, and that he will accept the voters' decision. We shall see.
In election news, polls from Iowa have shown Mike Huckabee surging into the lead over Mitt Romney. The media hasn't really done any stories about Huckabee since they consider him a long shot to win the Republican nomination. However, just in case, they are ready with the death blow to his candidacy. It turns out that not only is he pro-life, he doesn't believe in evolution. See how the intellectual left reminds us of the "wisdom" valued so much by the ancient Greeks? Dismissive of Paul when he began to speak of the resurrection, the Gospel itself was to them just so much foolishness.
Video of Huckabee here.
UPDATE: Thanks to an anonymous poster, I provide this link to Rolling Stone magazine. Warning regarding language! Just see what we who oppose abortion and believe in creation are considered by the "cool" people of the world.
I read a blog commenter who declared that "Christian fundamentalism and Islamic fundamentalism are essentially the same." In fact, here's a book quite popular with Amazon customers that asserts the same thing. Written by a son of a Presbyterian minister, "American Fascist: The Christian Right and the War on America" argues the thesis that "one more attack on the order of 9-11" will make fundamentalist Christians overthrow democracy in the United States. Rrriigght.
In the "Christian fundamentalists are the same as Islamic fundamentalists" department comes the story from the Sudan of the British school teacher who allowed her students to name the class teddy bear Muhammad. After a trial in which she was found guilty of insulting religion, Ms. Gibbons was sentenced to 15 days in a Sudanese jail--but she was at least spared flogging. Demonstrators were outraged. They thought that was too lenient, and demanded her execution. So the good news came this morning that, under political pressure from the UK, the president of Sudan has pardoned Ms. Gibbons on the condition that she leave the country.
Christians are the fascists? Sounds like a clear case of projection to me.
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