Without hope - without God in the world

I was listening to Paul Harvey's commentary on the radio a few days ago. Mr. Harvey was describing a British theme park that had to cancel its plans for a "Muslim fun day" due to lack of interest. Curiosity got the better of me, so I found this link to the complete story. Apparently a couple had planned their wedding celebration at this particular amusement park and invited their family and friends, only to later discover that "Muslim fun day" was the same weekend. This would mean that strict dress codes for women would be in place, no music, smoking or drinking would be allowed, and men and women would not be allowed to ride the rides together.
Apparently, "Muslim fun day" has been cancelled due to lack of interest.
In contrast, the Christian Family Centre hosted its annual "Family Celebration Day" this past Saturday. Smiles and the joy of the Lord, praise in word and action of our Savior were to be found in abundance. Funny how when the Muslims of the Middle East have something to celebrate, they fire off machine guns. What a difference it makes to know and believe in Jesus' forgiveness and to have a right relationship with God through faith in a loving Savior, instead of the hopelessness of trying to appease a bloodthirsty "god" with acts of violence and murder.
In chapter 9 of How Should We then Live, Dr. Schaeffer describes more of the modern philosophers and their nihilistic despair. As you briefly note a summary statement that will help you remember a little something about each of them, be thinking about the vast difference between unbelief and faith and how this is reflected in despair or joy.
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